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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 24, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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they could potentially finish the work for a labor day opening but now they're talking about do more retro fitting which would slow things down but leaders say safety comes first. >> we're not going to open up the bridge until it thaes ready. >> that means fixing the bolt that are fractured on the bridge. the hydrogen em bid lment caused 32 of the 96 bolts installed to fail. now they must all be fixed. the 2008 bolts need to be replaced. we can't afford to rely on them for any kind of bearing capacity. so until that retrofit is complete we're not going to open it to traffic. >> reporter: now experts are trying to determine if not 192 bolts on the span are also at risk. so far testing of those bolts have shown no problems. but if that changes, they'll need to be replaced and that
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could mean scrapping plans to open on labor day. >> we're not trying to get this done to have a party. we're trying to get the bridge done to safe people's lives because the old bridge is unsafe in the event of a major quake. >> if you don't know the cause of problem, you can't remediate the problem. >> reporter: a failure of this magnitude is inexcusable. it calls into question the reliability of high strength steel steel on the spire project. >> it raises a question about the procedure that's been employed for accepting materials and employing materials throughout the entire bridge. >> reporter: transportation leaders say they need two more weeks to figure out the game plan, the time line and the price tag for all of it. the mayor can wait two weeks but she hopes the labor day opening will not be derailed.
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reporting live. >> thank you. this is good for shopping but it could be bad for traffic. a well known yet outdated movie theater complex in the south bay might soon be torp dourn and redeveloped. but hey here's the issue it's right next door to santana row. the 11 acres in question is the site of the century theaters which we've shadowed in yellow. santana row is in the green area. mary an faf vo joins us in san jose with the debate. >> reporter: i'm here at the doems own winchester boulevard in san jose and this is a place where many people in the area first watched the movie star wars and other blockbusters. if it's redeveloped, the doems could come down. with santana row across the street, some say turning this area into mixed use development just makes good economic sense.
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but some neighbors here fear a development will only add to the heavy con jex in the area. >> my biggest concern will be the traffic because the trask here can be unbearable, especially during the holiday season with valley fair and santana row. that would be my biggest concern. >> reporter: this lot could potentially be turned into 500 square feet with commercial space with the potential to add housing too. so another develop to santana row is possible. merchants we talked to have xed feelings. some welcome to potential customers but others say they do not need more competition. this site has only been available for two weeks and the company that is handling it says they've received a lot of interest from companies and developers. now i did check and these doems are not considered historical landmarks so they very well will
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lakely be torn down during the development progress. but the win shers mystery house which is across the street here will definitely remain. >> thanks, mary ann. new at 5:00 an east bay preschool shut down. these women are accused of using blankets to bind the tore sos and legs of children while they napped. the police began investigating after the department of social services shutd down the center last month. detectives say the binding restricted the children's ability to move and breathe comfortably. the suspects are also accused of covering their heads with blankets. police say it is such a nenlt act that it could have caused great bodily injury, even death. what happened in boston is now the center of debate in
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washington. what did the gof know and when. today we're learning that the cia knew of tamerlan tsarnaev. and back in 2007, the cia wanted to put him on its tear roar watch list. as it gets more complex, the healing get more emotional. we bring in gene gray who is at the scene that has been reopened to the public. >> reporter: as you outlined it's been a busy and emotional day here in boston, a memorial for a slain police officer and for the first time since the attack the public getting their first look at the bombing site. for the first time in nine days boston has returned to boylston street. >> i don't think i realized what it would be like to actually see everything closed still obviously and the roses back there were really hard. >> flowers, flags and banners
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everything left by mourners have been moved to a park just across from the blast site now where thousands gathered throughout the day pause in the heart of this busting city for a silent solemn moment to remember. everything here it seems sends a message, the marathon finish line now a semiable of a new race just beginning, the wood and the covered windows plasted with woshds of hope, even flesh cement on the sidewalk has a special meaning now. >> people of boston, they get together whether it's -- >> showers of people you love with love. >> it was needed today on the campus of m.i.t. where more than 14,000 gathered just a few yards from the spot investigators say officer sean collier was ambushed and killed by the
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bombing suspects. >> officer sean collier we love you. >> vice president biden told the crowd, the purpose of terrorism is to instill fear. you saw none of it here in boston. boston, you sent a powerful message to the world. >> reporter: one that continues to echo in the week of the attack. now, city officials say the recovery work here will continue for quite some time, but they also believe it's just as important that life continue in this area as well. that is the latest live here in boston. i'm jay gray, nbc bay area news. >> still a lot of healing. back here at home fires crews in san francisco rescued people in a borngs apartment build. the fired start the on belay yo
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streets in pacific heights neighborhood. they were able to get the sister in his 90s and the brother and the two dogs out safely. the fire started somewhere in the top floor of the attic. no word yet on a cause. we have an nbc bay area follow up. 15 families have, driven out of their home after a fire last night. the villa is a san jose shelter for women and children. it's designed to help homeless people as they transition to permanent housing. tonight the residents are staying in other shelters. an off duty medic saw the flames and kwiktly alerted the people inside. they all es kpand safely. a former university director and a university vendor could face more than 100 years in prison after being charged with hundreds of counts of bribe by. robert sheerer and steven chung, the owner of a environmental
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waste firm, arained on 250 felony charges. prosecutors believe sheerer took briebs from chung in exchange to krotst from change's company from 2002 to 2009. both defendants are in jail with bail set at $5 million a piece. >> about 40 feet underneath san francisco's market neighborhood some big machines are ready to make some big changes. the subway project was open too the media for a tour today. pretty interesting images below the ground. tonight workers will assemble two mass i machines to bore through the soil to create twin tunnels. they're extend the third street light rail. it will take 10 months to create each tunnel but engineers hope the public won't notice. >> our goal is you won't hearing
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a thing. essentially you'll be walking along the surface an not notice there's two large tunnels being constructed ushd your fe. bart is bait taye testing a newon their website. three heads, a little icon would mean heavy crowds, one head means light crowds. there's a catch. this is not real time data. they are basing their -- >> stopping zrektive driving before it starts. the new plan from the feds could keep your car from texting and driving. >> the bold new attempt to help
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children get diagnosed earlier. a way bay area company unveils a bike with a little extra hower. i'm jeff ranieri, did you feel it? i know you probably did. already 52 in fremont, 68 in livermore. take a look at the sky fog network. we'll talk about the full forecast.
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tonight rhode island is on the verge of becoming the tenth state to allow same-sex marriage. the senate has approved legislation previously approved by the house. the house still needs to tweak the bill before it goes to the governor who is expected to sign it. teachers at a bay area
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middle school are fed up with on campus violence. this. staff at alliance academy in east oakland say there has been a spike in safety issues on campus that include drugs, weapons and violence. it's reached levels like never seen before. while the school district provides security, teachers say that's not enough to stop the problem. >> this has to do with the district supporting programs that would build a positive school culture so that students are not coming to campus and feeling scared on campus. >> they have met with the school staff and presenting some preliminary discussions. >> federal regulators are asking car maker to limit the gadgets they put in car. the distracted driving bhamd for many deaths, the they're asking the auto makers for help. they install technology that limits the time the driver takes
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their eyes off the road. more money for more sugar. a proposed tax on sugary drinks wins approval from a state senate committee. energy drinks and other bempls with sweent ner ps. it approved it would raise 2 $1/2 billion a years. more than half of california's counties saw child obesity rates climb from 2005 to 2010 in health matters, call it an early detection for autism. a blood test could help recognize awe tumt. they're looking at children who have not been diagnosed with autism. the goal is to create the first blood test that shows biological markers associated with autism.
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if the test works it would be used in doctor's offices. for children with allergies just one brief encounter could turn deadly. that's where there's a national push to get ep pi pebs in all school. the life saving medication is called epinephrine. i ice gin as a shot. there are no long term side e if he cans from the shot even if you're not sure that the patient needs it. >> okay. let's bring in our chief meteorologist, a let of sunshine out there, giants had a day game. >> we have some cooler changes coming our way. the marine layer is very extensive stretching so several hundred miles from san francisco all the way to los angeles. we're getting the most fog here tonight. we are looking at widespread fog through the santa cruz mountains and the fran peninsula.
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the winds 10 to 20 mields an hour, temperatures dropping yet again today another 10 to 20 degrees. some of the larger differences was the onshore wind. 14 degrees in san martin. so when you think about where we were on monday, again a huge departure. in santa rosa we went from 91 to 68 today, napa pa from 87 to 80 and san francisco to 87. the biggest thing as we head through the period will be the fact that cloud cover is going to build for everyone, by the cost line, the bay and the interjor valleys. even by 11:00 a.m. tomorrow not going to get rid of the clouds, linger by the bay and we'll get om sun breaks in here but we'll have clouds lingering as well. let's get outoutside at the live hd sky camera network. it's been hazy in san jose but air quality not too bad.
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a much different picture here in foster city, no storm activity but you look toward the bottom of your screen, that' the marine layer. that's going to expand for tonight as it continues to move across san francisco. not too bad at the golden gate bridge tonight. visit ablth will be reduced tonight or tomorrow. hi pressure that produced all the heat is continuing to weaken and push off to the rights. it will again continue to enhance the fog up against the koes line so temperatures in the 50s an 60s. no beach weather coming our way through the next two days. also something of note, it's going to get a little windy across the coastline. so for tomorrow morning not just the coastline with the fog, but we'll have a tough time getting rid of it. i do think in san mateo and napa county will have the cloud cover
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for tomorrow afternoon. overall we'll start with 44 santa rosa, 50 in san jose an for tomorrow on your thursday, almost the weekend, temperatures will remain near average. that's the remarkable thing. even with the fog we'll have 74 in san jose. 72 in walnut creek, 72 in pleasant ston and for san francisco, no 80s in the forecast, 63 there. on your three-day forecast we get temperatures warming up on saturday and sunday with low 80s coming back pep and i fine-tuned the forecast just in case you want the best beach weather. looks like that's going to be on tuesday of next week. >> i'm keeping track for you guys. >> a lot of 80s, a lot of sunshine. >> thanks. we have an update now on our breaking news, a car into a home in san jose. we have new video just in. this happened just before 4:00
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this afternoon. it's happening near lee avenue and blossom hill. theer the san jose los gatos border. two cars got into an accident and one of the cars went into the house. two people inside the living room were injured, three people in the cars were being hurt. keep it here on nbc bay area for any new developments into our newsroom. >> president obama reveals some of his parents tricks what he's threatening to do to his daughters. the big changes coming to the 100 dlar bill.
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it's all about the benjamin.
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we're talking about benjamin franklin pep' going high-tech in the redesigned 100 dlar bill coming out in october. security features include a blew security ribbon, a pink thread visible under ult violet light and a hologram. all those extras will make it harder for the bill to be counter fitted. the new design was planned for 2010 but its introduction was put off. try virgin america, the bay area airline has a new feature where you can send a drink to anyone on the plan. you can click the seat on the person you want to send a drink or a snack. you can follow up with the text through the in-flight texting system. >> threatened worldwide embarrassment if any of his two
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daughters decide to get a tattoo without permission. the president spoke to savannah guthrie. this up colluded some tricky aspects. the president said should he come home with a tattoo, he and michelle will get the same tattoo in the exact same place and show it off on youtube in a family video. he's counting on embarrassment to counter any teenage rebellion. >> i don't think it's going to work. >> maybe. >> we're back in a moment with a new way to get around the bay area.
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green is universal all week here at nbc. we're focusing on our environment. now this program will get a lot more people on to bikes. beginning if august the state's first bike sharing program right here in the bay yar. it's similar to programs already under way in washington and boston. there will be 700 bikes in communities between san francisco an san jose. people pay an annual membership and check out a bike they can ride to the next kiosk and drop it puff. it's been launched bud the bay area air quality management. they think the program should start with thousands of bikes instead of just 700. let's talk about commuting, if you hate it we have an alternative. >> it's not an electric car, it's an electric bikes. our business tech reporter cruising today. what do you think? do you know what, raj.
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a high end bike that comes with its own plug-in motor so you'll go further, faster when you pedal to work. the commute tleen san francisco looked a little different today because a group of cyclists got an electric boost from a bay area company. bike maker specialized rolled out the turbo electric bike complete with its own built-in motor for extra power and to make your trip to work a little less of a sweat. >> it's about smooth so you can beat all of your friends while wearing jeans and for me girly shoes. >> it's a high end bike for those of you who really don't want a car. it's very pricey, starting at $5900, a steep premium for the extra charge. >> automatic up to your office, sit at your desk, it will are have a travel charger that's
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nice an compact, you can plug it, put it in a drawer if you got it, let it go all day. when you're ready to go, come back in, slides in, it's in place. >> if you love to bike and don't mind paying for extra power, the turbo might be for you. a sleem new way to get where you're going with an added kick. >> all right again it is expensive. it will be available in a week. if you're thinking hey no car, maybe just a bike. >> can we borrow yours. >> sure. >> thanks with. we have another update on our breaking news. we have new ground shots from our photographer on the scene. a car into a house, actually into the living room. this happened just before 4:00 this afternoon near lee avenue and blossom hill. it appears two cars got into a crash when one of the cars went into the home.
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two people in the living room were hurt, three people in the cars were hurt. no word on the cause of the crash. >> we'll see you shortly. >> good night. warning signs. were they there years before the bombings in boston? tonight, what u.s. intelligence was told about the suspects and when. also the deeply emotional sea of blue that turned out to honor a fallen hero. playing politics with the nation's air travel. growing anger now on the ground and in the air as thousands of flights have been hit with delays and the blame just escalates in washington. paying the price for the soaring cost of college. with american students now buried under a trillion dollars in debt, what if there was a cheaper solution like top tier schools, four years for the price of one? also, the long good-bye. a legendary singer in a public fight with alzheimer's and the powerful message today from his daughter. "nightly news" begins now.


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